PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Thursday, November 29, 2012

You can Lead a Dog to Water...

...But if you do, be prepared for them to fall in love with being wet!

We knew when we got Betty that there would be a strong possibility she would love water based on her breeds and their personalities, however, she's surprised us with HOW MUCH she loves water! You'd think she was a fish the way she wants to be wet all the time.  I can't wait till next Summer to take her out to lakes so she can swim and romp around!

I first became aware of Betty's addiction when I tried to take a shower one day with her in the bathroom.  We had just gotten her and I didn't trust her to stay in the living room or our bedroom alone while I showered so I brought some toys into the bathroom and let her play on the floor while I hopped in quick.  As soon as the water turned on and I disappeared behind the curtain she had to know where I was.  At first I thought she was just being clingy and missing me after 5 seconds because she thought I was never ever ever going to come back, but then I realized she was curious and wanted to get into the tub but couldn't reach.  

I gave in to her curiosity and picked her up and set her in the back of the tub away from the running water so she wouldn't get too wet unless she wanted to.  Up until this point she had had several baths and never seemed too thrilled about them, always trying to climb out mid-bath and whining that she was cold afterward.  However, now that she was in the tub with me she was happy as a clam.  I let her walk under the water and play until she decided it was time to get out (Hey! It gave me time to shower in peace!).

Weeks went by and she had a few more baths and complained less each time.  This past week, however, she had BEGGED to get a bath every time I open the bathroom door.  We keep it shut so that she can't get in there and destroy the garbage, so whenever she hears me opening the door she comes running and jumps into the tub and sits, waiting like a good girl, for mommy to start the water for her!
Caught in the act!

"Ok, I'm done, let me out!"

Now, some of you might think, "She's thirsty, that's why she's seeking water so doggedly (excuse the pun)", however, she's always got a bowl full of water, so that's just not the case.  She absolutely LOVES water! Licking it, splashing in it, getting her head and paws wet, everything! She's even taken to trying to get into the toilet lately, which is a habit I want to nip in the bud!  As long as she's playing in clean water, I have no problems with her little quirk.  Sometimes I'll even turn the tub faucet on a little bit and let her play for a few minutes if I don't have the time to give her a full bath!  She loves it!

The only problem we've come across with her being a water lover, is that it kind of eliminates the possibility of using a spray bottle with water to correct bad behavior!

Here's a totally unrelated shot of Betty being a good girl, trying out the new bed I made her!
(She doesn't know it yet, but she's sleeping here tonight instead of with mommy and daddy!)

And finally,
 I've been trying to capture the rigmarole I have to go just to type one of these: 
"I'm just gonna make myself comfy, Kthanks!"

This is Betty's favorite nap spot.  She'll bite my fingers and wrists because she finds the typing annoying when she's trying to catch up on her beauty rest...sigh.

Until Next Time
Rachel & Josh

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