PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Down South and Back Again!

 Greetings everyone!

It's been an eventful couple of days for all of us.  We made a surprise 12 hour road trip to South Carolina on Sunday.  Obviously we couldn't leave Betty all alone so we figured we'd see how she did on the road.  She was AWESOME! Once we got down a rhythm of playing, peeing, eating and sleeping she was the best passenger ever!

She's officially peed in 7 states and pooped in the nation's capital.  She loved sitting on mommy's arm and sniffing out the window at all the new exciting smells on the way down and back.  Every time we stopped at a rest area everyone fell in love with her, and being the ham that she is she soaked up every ounce of attention she got!  She even met a friend from Texas and his owners.

He was an 8 month old Catahoula Leopard dog.  They really wanted to play but I guess he plays a bit too rough for a 3 month old pup so his owners held him back as we chatted.  They said he was the same size Betty is now when he was her age, and now he's a whopping 60 lbs and not even fully grown, so that gave us a glimmer of hope that she's not going to be teeny weeny forever.

Overall the trip was a great success and we had lots of fun.    Josh and I are still trying to recover from 48 hours of sleep deprivation but Betty has all the energy in the world since the majority of the 24 total hours we traveled she slept.  Here are some pictures of our journey!

This is how She spent most of the trip :)

Grammie providing some moral support while Betty was searching for the perfect place to poop

Dog on a dog!

This was a preeeettttyyyy big sign, see the arrow!

Posing pretty on a big ole' West Virginia rock at the welcome center

More pictures to come once my mom uploads them!

Until Next Time
Rachel & Josh

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