PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lazy Sunday

Hello Everyone!

It's been a few days since my last post because I've been trying to clean the house and puppy proof things, but today we're taking the day off cause we're all sleepy and the weather is BLAHHH.  Betty is at the stage right now where everything needs to be in and around her mouth and any crevasse needs to be explored.  I'm going to go on record stating that taking care of a young puppy is WAY harder than taking care of a baby.  Sure, I'll probably get a few comments telling me how wrong I am, but think of it this way: a newborn sleeps a lot and can be put in a bouncy seat or one of those rocking swing things they love so much so that you can get some housework done.  A 9 week old puppy will whine and squirm if you try to hold it or pen it in somewhere unless its sleepy, and in that case it'll whine and squirm till you pick it up and rock it to sleep (Editor's note: our dog is TOTALLY not spoiled).   So needless to say, I've had to work my cleaning schedule around Betty's nap times.  

Potty training is still touch and go.  Today and yesterday were not good days.  Today so far she's peed on our bed a total of 4 times. I have to give her credit though because she will now bark and stomp every time she needs to go out and do #2.  Now we just need to get her to alert us every time she needs to go #1.  It takes time, I know, but I cringe every time she leaves a mark on our $125 memory foam mattress topper.  

Yesterday Betty got to have a play-date with Josh's nephew, Dakota, while we babysat him.  They were instant best friends.  Betty would like to play a bit rougher than Dakota would, who just turned 1 in August.  Once in a while Dakota was pretty rough with her and she did fine handling it.  It's good to know she'll be a good dog to have around children.  

While at my mom's house this week I picked up some fabric to make some new dresses for Betty, so just as soon as I have a free minute I'll get started on those. Stay tuned!  I'd also like to make her a doggy bed so that we can start training her to sleep in there instead of on the bed.  It was cute at first to have her sleep with us but the peeing and her habit of sleeping on my chest are gonna get a little old once she hits her adult estimated weight of 60-80 lbs!

We also had trouble this week getting Betty to stay in her crate while we tried to go see an exhibit at a local museum.  We got her in the crate, left the house and got about a house down the block before we decided her cries that sound like a child screaming "help" were too loud.  We didn't want to take the chance of having the cops called on us for child/animal abuse.  So unfortunately we missed the exhibit which was only in town for 2 days.  Such is the life of puppy parents.  

We are having a terrible time getting her to stay in the crate for more than a few minutes.  The only time I've gotten her successfully in there and left her for more than a minute was when she was already asleep when I set her in it.  She was awake when I came home and not yelping, possibly because she was already in there when she woke up?  I've never crate trained a puppy before because, frankly, I don't like the idea of leaving a dog in a small space most of the day, but Betty gets into everything.  Right now it's not a huge issue because I'm not working but I'm not sure what will happen when I do return to work. 

If anyone has advice on how to get her crate trained we would LOVE to hear from you.  We've tried letting her go in on her own, adding toys, treats and her blanket to make the experience better but no dice.  I don't want to make being put in the crate a negative experience, but I know she'll need some tough love eventually.  I'm wondering if she will eventually mellow a bit when she's a little older? Just in the last week and a half her personality has changed drastically. She went from shy and reserved to adventurous and very vocal when she wants something.  Again, any tips or tricks would be much appreciated, just leave us a comment! 

Also, check out the fancy schmancy collar tag Betty got this week. 
She's legit now.

Until Next Time
Rachel & Josh

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