PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Good morning world!
It's 4:30 am on the East Coast and I'm wide awake.  Josh goes to work at 4 am on Sundays so I'm right up with him.  Betty and I took daddy to work and now she's back asleep and I'm still up.  I decided to put this time to good use and look up breed info.  It's been bugging me lately when people ask what breed Betty is and when we tell them Lab/Plott Hound they all comment on how tiny she is, some even saying their labs were twice the size she is at 8 weeks.  This leads me to believe 3 things could be possible:

  1. Betty is the runt of the litter and might not be full size for her breeds (40-80lbs) when she's an adult, which is fine with us because we have a smaller place and having a smaller dog isn't a bad thing as long as she's healthy.
  2. She's not really a Lab/Plott Hound.  I'm not sure what she'd be, but I'm really curious.  My sister and her boyfriend had their dog Aurora's DNA tested to find out her breeds and now I'm leaning towards getting that done just to make sure she's really what we think she is so we know she's the right weight.
  3. She's sick. I hope to God this isn't the case.  She's playful, pooping and peeing just fine and has a good temperament.  She's been de-wormed and I've been checking to make sure they're gone for good so I don't think that's the issue.  Her appetite has been a little low in my opinion.  I'm not sure how much she should be eating a day/how much she's actually eating (this is the next thing I'm looking up!), but to me it seems like she sort of grazes all day.  My parent's Whippet, Bene, does this as well and he's perfectly healthy, so as long as Betty gains the weight she needs to I'm ok with her eating small meals.  For a breed that's susceptible to bloat from eating big meals and then roughhousing I'm fine if she's a dainty eater. I'm not sure what else would stunt her growth. 
In any event, I'm hoping to get down to the bottom of this issue soon.  If you know of any good websites or have any tips for us please don't hesitate to contact us! We would love to hear from you!

Til Next Time!
Rachel & Josh

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