PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy Howl-een!

This is my favorite time of the year, the air is cooler, leaves are changing and falling and Halloween is upon us, a time to dress up as whoever you want.  I know some people have issues with dressing their dogs up.  They think it's ridiculous, cruel, stupid, beneath them, etc. I'm not one of those people.  I love dressing my dogs up and they love dressing up! My parent's dogs, Tona and Bene love to put their "pretties" on and prance around.  I also think it's functional in the cold weather we experience in Upstate NY.  I would rather look ridiculous than let my puppy get sick.  That being said Josh and I went a little crazy at Petsmart tonight. 

I usually try to shop for animal goods at a locally owned pet store (Pet Depot) rather than the big chain stores, but Petsmart has a tag engraving machine and that's why we originally went there (until we found out their tags were like $15!). So instead of getting her a tag like we planned we ended up perusing the racks of 75% off Halloween costumes! Yes, I said it, 75% OFF! Most costumes were originally between $10 and $20 so they ended up being dirt cheap (I think we paid $3 for each!).  We had Betty's costume narrowed down to a penguin and a pumpkin.  Pumpkin won only because the penguin had a hood and we didn't think she'd like having something on her head.  

Here she is in all her orange glory!

In between being bombarded by other customers and employees ooo-ing and aww-ing over how precious Betty was and the "huh?'s" every time we told someone she was lab/plott hound we managed to find 2 more outfits for her:

a cheerleader for her Uncle Jay's favorite team 


Mommy's favorite! Rockabilly puppy!

With all the excitement going on she got pretty tired quickly (a good thing for Josh and I who have been taking turns doing the 1am and 5am potty breaks) and decided she was too tired to find a legit place to sleep.  The following are my favorite sleep positions of the day.  Enjoy!
When she's really relaxed she makes silly faces

She also sleeps at 90 degree angles (daddy was so sleepy from work!)

In this scene, she was struggling to make it up onto the pillow, stopped and decided where she landed was good enough.  Too cute!

Finally, here she is totally relaxed and sprawled out, you can really see her tiger stripes here :)

Well, it's getting late here (10pm) and Betty has woken up from her 8pm nap and wants to play (Josh works at 4am on Sundays and has to be up around 3! Uh-oh).  

Final thought: They should really make a chew toy shaped like fingers because Betty won't leave mine alone when I'm typing!

Till Next Time!
Rachel  & Josh

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